Thursday, February 11, 2010


So, a close friend of mine (and great speaker,) Wes Hamilton and I were recently catching up on some of our favorite TV shows. We laughed about Michael Scott's most recent faux pas and salivated at the return of LOST, but then he threw me a curveball by telling me he had really been enjoying Chuck. Chuck Who?

You see, between work and work and other work, I don't have a ton of time for TV watching, except for the Office and LOST. But Wes's recommendation was so matter-of-fact I knew I had to check it out. So, I watched the first 2 seasons w/in a couple of weeks (mostly on the treadmill each morning.) And you know what? Chuck is pretty cool.

A super-nerdy, underachieving, tremble-with-fear-when-a-girl-speaks-to-him, electronics store employee (Chuck) is emailed (by his old college roommate and current spy)all the spy data the government has in existence and all of this info becomes lodged in his brain. Assassins want him dead and the government wants him protected. Thus, he is assigned a team- which includes a girl so far out of his league she might as well be in the Dagobah System. (Btw, if you got that reference you will love Chuck.) Chuck evolves and, over several seasons, becomes a real spy. Its a good show- even though some of the major story lines plod along at a painfully slow pace.

It is doesn't take much to see the spiritual metaphor. We've all been underachieving at times in our lives. Maybe you are right now. You know life has more in store for you- you just have no clue how to get from point A to point B. Well, while you probably won't be receiving an email that will transform you into 007, there is something much more powerful- an encounter with Christ- that can help us evolve into something even better.

When we meet for the Tavern Church- we pray that people do encounter God. We pray that the Holy Spirit stirs peoples' hearts in such a way that their lives are changed. We pray that, almost-like-Chuck-but-even-better, each of us is transformed into something stronger, more beautiful, and redeemed.

See you Sunday night, February 28th.

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