Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Catch

Sooo I like marketing. Scratch that. I love marketing. Its one of my favorite things about my chosen career-path. Everyday I have to give people enough reason to go from Point A to Point B (and to spend their moolah when they arrive at "B.") Its a challenge- but I find it rewarding.

Church is the same way. A lot of churches try the "McDonald's method," build an awesome playground and try to create a super kid-friendly environment and hope the kids will drag the parents. Some churches have basketball goals to attract neighborhood hoopsters. Others offer knitting classes in an effort to rake in the GramGrams of the world. Some churches actually use traditional media marketing (TV, radio, print) to get folks to walk through their doors. Lots of people have lots of opinions on this matter, but I usually stick with a "Hey Dude- Whatever It Takes" policy (within reason.)

That brings us to the Tavern Church. We don't have basketball goals or knitting classes, but we do! (We also have phenomenal music and incredible teaching, but nevermind that point right now.) So, Josh Florence our great friend, former Road Rules star, and City Tavern owner has graciously offered to do $1 Shiner Bocks and BUY1GET1FREE entrees (at the upstairs bar) beginning at 7pm on nights of Tavern Church services. Hey dude, whatever it takes.

The last Sunday night of every month (from 745-855) we have the Tavern Church upstairs at the City Tavern (Main & Akard) in downtown Dallas. And, that means its coming up THIS SUNDAY NIGHT. I can't wait to see you there.

Come on out. Grab a beer. Listen to some cool tunes. Hear the Word.

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