Friday, January 1, 2010

The Island of Misfit Toys...

Some people love A Christmas Story. Others prefer Christmas Vacation. My girlfriend Kimberly loves Elf. I've always been a sucker for It's a Wonderful Life. But as a child, I was all about Rudolph. It must be telling that I identified w/a story about a deer w/a red nose who ran away w/an elf that really longed to do dental work. There were other aspects to the story that I found fascinating- and who doesn't yearn to live a Yukon Cornelius lifestyle? But, the part that always got me was the Island of Misfit Toys. Where else could you find a Charlie in the Box? A flying lion? A spotted elephant? A bird-fish? It was as if Dr. Moreau had been genetically-mutating christmas gifts and somehow Rudolph stumbled along.

Well, we're less than a month out from the first Tavern Church service. It will always be the last Sunday night of each month at the City Tavern. Some of the guys putting this on are:

-A speaker who'd rather be a professor.
-Two guys who should be melting peoples' faces off at rock shows instead of church services (and they will be days before and days after.) One who's hung w/Snoop Dogg, played Lollapalooza, dined with Madonna, been on Conan O'brien, hung out w/a host of others- but nowadays would rather be hanging w/us...
-A country radio station manager who prefers indie rock.
-A music industry girl who grew up in LA and was in NYC before a series of very random events brought her to Dallas, of all places...
-A former star of MTV's Road Rules- that has turned into a sorta respectable businessman.

It's not exactly the Justice League. In fact, it's a whole lot more like the Island of Misfit Toys. Guys w/crazy pasts tied together by one thing: belief in a Redeemer and a desire to know Him and make Him known. So, we press onward- believing God has brought this random lot together to help bring people to know Him.

Where do you fit in this story? Ever felt a bit like a Charlie in the Box? Perhaps a cowboy that rides an ostrich? A toy boat that sinks? Not quite fitting in as seamlessly as you'd like? Longing for answers? Looking for more out of your life? Come hang out w/us and a bunch more "misfit toys" Sunday, January 31, at 7:30pm.


  1. i feel like i'm missing out on something. maybe i should drive up for it. are people from Austin welcome? praying for this.

  2. thanks alex! i really believe that if X we among us in the flesh today he wouldnt be hanging out at fbc such-and-such or this church or that country club- but he'd be at a place like the city tavern full of a cast of characters that all need him. and of course you're welcome/encouraged to come up- you dont even have to bring chuck woolery (this time.)
