Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Treasure Hunting

I like books. In fact, I read so much as a child that my mother thought there might be something wrong with me. Social skills aside, she was wrong.

In all seriousness, I fared ok socially. But, I loved the new horizons, the heroes, the villains, the just-barely-on-the-edge-of-my-library-chair plot that books afforded me. I loved sports and music, but books held a special place in my heart.

So, now I'm an adult. Too much of an adult. While I don't go shoot free-throws in the driveway every night anymore, I do still crack open books frequently. In fact, I'm reading several simultaneously right now that I'd love to recommend to you (Crazy Love by Francis Chan, still churning through the last part of Walk On by Steve Stockman, and Searching For God and Guinness by Stephen Mansfield.)

But, I want to rewind the clock a few months. Back to early December. Kimmer's dad, Rick, asked (via Kimmer) what I wanted for Christmas. I hate that question. I have so much. More than I deserve. I feel greedy answering. So, I decided to go the comedy route. (Allow me to digress for a moment- I'm not sure why I ever go the comedy route. It usually results in confusion and/or hurt feelings, while rarely ever resulting in the desired goal, laughter. Yet, I keep going the comedy route. Probably always will. So, don't be too sensitive around me.) So anyway, to answer Rick's question I replied, "all I want is buried pirate treasure." When asked if I was serious I assured them I was. (Even though I was simply trying to make someone somewhere laugh.)

A week or so after Christmas my package arrived from sunny San Clemente, Ca. I had no clue what Rick sent me. But low and behold it was approximately a dozen or so books on "how to find buried treasure." I kinda think he went to and bought every book they had on the subject and sent it to me.

So, someday soon, when I am all caught up on my reading, I'm gonna crack open these books and become a treasure hunting expert. I'm certain I will make millions upon millions and probably start taking even more time returning your calls and emails. I may even start going by a pirate name.

Seriously, we've already got a treasure book. This book points us to a treasure more vast, expansive, glorious, and valuable than anything any pirate ever buried. The book is our Bible. Come find your treasure (or find out how to find your treasure) at the Tavern Church. Yes, it's church. Yes, it's in a bar. You can grab a beer and hear the Word. No pressure. Just incredible music and a wonderful message. Oh yeah, it's fun too.

See you at the next Tavern Church service. Sunday night, April 25 at 7:45 at the City Tavern at Main St & Akard in downtown Dallas.

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