Tuesday, January 26, 2010


1. Why are you having a church service in a bar?
A: Church can happen anywhere. It's not a building. It's people. And, quite frankly, this idea came from the reality that if Christ were walking around in-the-flesh with us today, he probably wouldn't be spending his time at First Baptist This-town, or First Presbyterian That-town, nor would he be chillaxing at the country club after finishing 18-holes. He'd be at places like the City Tavern. He'd be hanging with the people that need Him most.

2. Can I drink while I worship?
A: There's nothing in scripture that says you can't. But, there's no need to feel like you must. While we like to joke around about being a church with its own bar, the focus isn't on the alcohol.

3. Can Christians drink?
A: Yes. But, do so in moderation. As mentioned in a previous entry (see below) there are no eternal implications for having a drink or two. Unless either a: It's Natty Light or b: you don't tip. (I hope people realize those were jokes.)

4. Who will be teaching?
A: Dr. Steve Bezner. Who is the most unpretentious PhD you'll ever meet. You'll be spoken to, not preached at.

5. What about the music?
A: It will be cool. Cooler than cool.

6. Who is putting this on?
A: Just some friends that happen to be Christians. This is not sponsored by a church or denomination. Just a small network of believers that believe God has called them to make this happen in downtown Dallas. Basically, a radio station G.M., a couple musicians, a music-industry girl, a pastor, and a former MTV's Road Rules star. But, the focus isn't on the people behind it- It's on Christ.

7. What should I wear?
A: Clothes.

8. Who can come?
A: Anyone. No pressure. Come on out. Bring a friend. Find the answers to your questions.

9. What time should I arrive?
A. 7:30pm and we'll be finished by 9pm. Remember parking downtown can be tricky, so allow time for that.

10. Where is the City Tavern located?
Downtown Dallas. 1402 Main Street. Between Akard & Field.

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